stand up pouch with spout on platform

Sustainable packaging, simplified.

Streamline your sustainable packaging journey with our comprehensive suite of solutions. From rapid digital prototyping to impact reporting, we empower you to make informed decisions at every step.

Design and visualize your packaging project with Blueprint, our intuitive 3D prototyping tool, then generate custom dielines instantly with Genie. Analyze your packaging's environmental footprint from cradle to grave with Scope, our comprehensive assessment tool. Track your progress towards sustainability goals with our reporting tool, and optimize your supply chain for maximum efficiency and minimal impact.

We make sustainable packaging simple and accessible, so you can focus on what truly matters: creating a positive impact on your business and the planet.

3D prototyping tool

Our 3D prototyping tools take your project from concept to final proof in record time. Customize product specs, compare materials and review designs alongside real-time sustainability data.

Laptop displaying Blueprint web interface with floating boxes showing a variety of packaging options
Laptop displaying Scope interface with visible graphs and charts on screen and floating windows of packaging options

Sustainability reporting

Navigate the complexities of packaging sustainability reporting and compliance with our all-in-one impact reporting solution.


Packaging footprint calculator

Make informed packaging decisions that align with your sustainability goals. Scope is the comprehensive packaging footprint calculator designed for businesses to evaluate and minimize the environmental impact of their packaging choices.

scope footprint calculator mock up on laptop
Laptop mockup of Grounded Packaging custom dieline generator website interface called Genie

Dieline generator

Design your custom packaging dieline effortlessly with Grounded's free online dieline generator. Dive into our diverse selection featuring standard templates or unleash your creativity with over 30 customizable packaging formats.

Supply chain management

Logistics and warehousing

End-to-end logistics solutions that cover global freight, local warehousing & delivery, and inventory management. We proactively monitor global markets and regulations to anticipate supply chain challenges, ensuring your goods flow smoothly – all backed by our commitment to outstanding customer service.

laptop mockup with truck and warehouse on flat background for mobile and tablet devices