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Distributor platform

Grounded has built the software tools to drive sales and make your team more efficient, and the manufacturing network to future proof your supply chain. Access smart sales software, sustainable packaging materials and factory direct pricing to grow sales and increase margin.

Sales enablement tools. Automated proposal generation, rapid digital prototyping and direct supplier integration. Digitize and automate internal processes to reduce the length of your sales cycle.

Sustainability data platform. Help your customers make better decisions and give them access to the marketing data they need to tell their story.

Vetted manufacturing and certified materials. Access Grounded’s full catalogue of packaging materials and products.

Sales enablement and procurement tools

Access a full suite of digital sales and procurement tools to make your sales team more effective. Increase your margins, automate supplier pricing and eliminate the possibility for human error.

Digital procurement tools to create easy and fast access to pricing

Automated proposal and invoice generation

Pricing and tendering across multiple factories and materials

Project specific work spaces and communication boards

Freight pricing and booking, across single or multiple consignments

Order and management dashboards

Digital print proofing and approvals to eliminate mistakes

Text around a floating flat pouch

Access a vetted supply chain with factory direct pricing

We built that supply chain and manufacturing so you don’t have to.

Unique, vetted manufacturing capability with the future of sustainable packaging materials

Globally certified materials and supply chains

Access new products and materials to both grow sales into your existing customer base and increase chances of winning new customers

Sustainability modeling and reporting

Sustainable packaging considerations are complex and involve more than just whether something is recyclable or compostable. Give your sales team and customers the data they need to make better decisions and their marketing teams the information to tell their story.

Scope modeling tool for evaluating different materials and supply chains

Corporate ESG reporting and compliance

Sustainability data for marketing & brand teams

Sustainability model and reports on laptop screen

Ready to get started?

As we embark on an ambitious journey in sustainable packaging, rest assured, we're by your side every step of the way.