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Recycled cotton

Recycled cotton is a sustainable textile solution that involves the processing of post-consumer or post-industrial cotton waste to create new usable fibers. Cotton is a natural fiber commonly used in the textile industry, but traditional cotton production can have significant environmental and social impacts. Recycled cotton helps address some of these concerns by diverting used cotton products from landfills and reducing the demand for virgin cotton. The recycling process typically involves collecting discarded cotton garments, cutting them into smaller pieces, and then mechanically or chemically breaking down these pieces into fibers. These fibers are then spun into yarn and used to create new fabrics, offering a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional cotton production.


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The Good

  • Naturally biodegradable over time
  • The use of recycled and/or organic cotton mitigates much of the water and pesticide use traditionally association with cotton production
  • Offers a soft and natural appearance, and is suitable for various print methods
  • Strong consumer association as a sustainable material

The Bad

  • Cotton cultivation is water intensive and often involves the use of pesticides
  • Can prone to wear and tear over time making it less suited to continued re-use over long periods

Raw materials

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Frequently asked questions

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