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Grounded Plantmade coffee cup lids are made from 100% plant-based material. They come in a range of diameters, with a number of different shape options, and are certified for commercial composting.
Compostable materials are designed to be composted. Unfortunately, that means that they generally cannot be recycled and shouldn't go into a recycling stream. Although commercial composting systems are not widely available presently they are growing rapidly, so too is the rate of home composting. For further reading please visit our Resource Hub.
Yes, we can split your order and send it to as many locations as you like!
Unlike plastics, compostable materials are designed to have a shelf-life. They won't start spontaneously composting on the shelf or in your warehouse but over time things like sealing and lamination strength will start to deteriorate. In general, we recommend our compostable materials be used within 12-18 months depending on the product being filled as well as storage conditions. However this is influenced by atmospheric conditions like heat and humidity so in particularly hot and humid climates this is reduced. We recommend storing all compostable materials in dry climate controlled conditions as best practice to ensure best shelf-life of the packaging itself.
Refer to a blog post on how to compost!
Global freight rates vary based on the size of the order, the shipping route and method, market demand and other external variables at a given time. For the latest shipping rates please speak with one of our packaging experts.
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